Introducing the Training Quality Standard
Eligibility for the Training Quality Standard
Introducing the Training Quality Standard for Employers
Mapping GuideTQS Guidance for CoVEs
Introducing the Training Quality Standard
This short document sets out the Training Quality Standard's aims, approach, and the content of the assessment framework and processes. The document concludes by setting out some of the benefits of seeking assessment for organisations delivering training and development solutions to employers.
Eligibility for the Training Quality Standard
This sets out the requirements for organisations applying, and seeking assessment and possible certification, against the Training Quality Standard, including the specific requirements for organisations in receipt of public funds.
Introducing the Training Quality Standard for Employers
This short document sets out the Training Quality Standard for Employers’ aims, approach, and the content of the assessment framework and processes. The document concludes by setting out some of the benefits of seeking assessment for organisations delivering training and development solutions internally.
We recognise the Training Quality Standard will be part of an approach to continuous quality improvement, not a substitute, and so we want to make sure that it complements your other work, rather than forcing you to duplicate it. For that reason, we have taken five leading quality assessment frameworks in use by Training Quality Standard applicants and identified how their different elements or indicators map to the different indicators of the Standard.
This document contains information on subsidy eligibility and branding for those organisations who held, or currently hold, CoVE status.